
The safe use of PVC cling film

2021-01-20 admin Read 103

       The main component of PVC cling film should be polyvinyl chloride, and the cling film usually needs to add plasticizer due to process requirements. When the plasticizer is 60 degrees Celsius or higher, or should be in contact with greasy food, it will be analyzed with oil , Especially when the vegetable oil will be washed out, if it enters the human body with food at this time, it will cause harm; however, if it is used for daily preservation of fruits and vegetables, there should be no problem, and it can be used with confidence.

        At present, half of the items in major supermarkets should be directly wrapped with PVC cling film for raw and cooked food, and people usually have questions about the safety of PVC cling film. In actual use, this kind of cling film Not only is the price cheaper, but also stronger than PE cling film in terms of transparency. The sales staff of bulk food supermarket counters prefer to use this kind of cling film.

        When heating oily foods such as cooked foods, especially meat foods, it is best not to store them in PVC plastic wrap. Some experts have explained through experiments that heating the food to make contact with the cling film will easily volatilize the chemical ingredients contained in the cling film and dissolve into the food, which will have a certain impact on health. The common PVC cling film on the market is generally the same as ordinary plastic bags. They should be made of ethylene masterbatch. Some plastic bags that do not contain plasticizers will also be added with stabilizers, lubricants, etc. Raw materials will cause harm to the human body.